Is market volatility keeping you up at night?

Discover a smarter way to balance your portfolio


Find out the optimal allocation for your stock portfolio in 5 minutes.

Build your portfolio from any stocks traded on the major markets. Access up to 20 years of data. Annual average returns, volatility, correlations and optimal portfolio allocations are few clicks away.
The application utilizes the principles of Modern Portfolio Theory, intricate mathematical models, and extensive data to evaluate stock relationships and performance, ultimately producing a detailed report.
Sign up using only your email address—no credit card required. Enjoy full access to run your first report for free. After that, each report costs just $25. No subscription required.

Versatile Portfolio Management Platform

Deta is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced investors. For those new to investing, it offers a straightforward, user-friendly interface with default settings that guide you through the portfolio management process, making it an ideal learning tool. At the same time, it provides seasoned investors with a suite of advanced options, allowing for a high degree of customization and in-depth analysis.


Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is an investment strategy that balances risk and reward by diversifying assets. It aims to construct an 'efficient frontier' of optimal portfolios offering the highest expected return for a defined level of risk. Learn more about MPT.


Understand how fluctuating market trends can impact your investments. Learn the strategies to navigate and mitigate volatility drag for sustained portfolio growth. Click for insights!


Most investors understand that adding low correlation returns to a portfolio will reduce portfolio risk. However, very few appreciate how much low correlation assets can improve the overall portfolio return.

Are you ready to optimize your stock portfolio?

Find out how you can increase your portfolio return and lower risk.
